A symbol of prestige and influence

Smoking a cigar is often associated with social success, the celebration of a special occasion, a privileged moment of relaxation with oneself or even a sophisticated lifestyle. As an exceptional product and strongly tinged with luxury, the sale of cigars is not to be taken lightly. A set of strict codes must be respected, as several parameters must be taken into account so that the buyer can fully savor their cigars.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"

The advantages of selling cigars online

As the cigar is widely considered as a high-end product as a whole, and it is generally intended for a rather financially affluent clientele, the location and configuration of the premises must be up to the high demands of connoisseurs, while not intimidating neophytes.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series

A physical store should, in addition to the prestige of the address, must be able to offer enough space to allow potential buyers to move freely and relax. The layout, layout, or even the choice of colors and tones contribute greatly to putting both visitors and regular customers in the right atmosphere.

Enjoying a good cigar is usually accompanied by a well-made whiskey or wine, possibly with a subtle assortment of nibbles or sweets. Please provide a private room, a cozy “smoking room” in order to offer customers a moment of tranquility and privacy. If the budget allows, the presence of a terrace will bring even more freedom.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"

A suitable cellar must be provided to store all these goods in the best conditions.

In short, the launch of a physical store specializing in the sale of cigars is a considerable investment if we take into account all the “incompressible” expenses incurred. Unless you have sufficient equity or other types of capital, creating an online store will greatly reduce your operating costs.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series

Outstanding online advice

To ensure an exceptional level of service, you will be required to have highly qualified personnel in the field for online advice. Your team will have to be able to provide clear and precise answers on all aspects of cigars (power, flavor, aromas, size, draw, price) to help the curious and occasional amateurs to make the right choice. Aficionados, on the other hand, should be able to benefit from limited, rare and exclusive offers to satisfy their passion.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley

By opting for an online store, it is possible to manage all of this on your own, depending on your knowledge in the matter. In the worst case, you will only need to collaborate with one other person who will help you fill in your gaps.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez

A more varied and more personalized offer

By choosing the online store solution, you will have more flexibility in terms of your offer, especially for personalized offers.

You will have more financial resources, as you will have fewer charges to bear compared to those directly related to the operation of the physical store.

You will therefore have more financial means to invest in ever more varied and ever more confidential ranges with a view to pampering your customers.
Santo Domingo

The technological tools associated with e-commerce online stores (cookies, tracking software, etc.) make it possible to determine the behavior of each recurring user, to establish detailed profiles and therefore to offer them offers that correspond to the better to their preferences. You will be able to create communities for each group of specific customers and interact with each of them in order to collect relevant feedback, and continuously improve your services.

The online store gives you better control of your activities, by offering the right offer at the right time (sales, birthdays, etc.).
Rafael González
San Cristobal

Better operational efficiency

As we have seen from the previously mentioned points, selling cigars online overall improves the operational efficiency of your business. So you are better able to manage all of your activities by yourself, which seems to be much more complicated for a physical way of functioning.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones