You will find in our Montreux cigar store more than 1200 references selected for their exceptional quality. We also provide you with the essential accessories for any self-respecting cigar smoker.
The range of Cuban cigars from a store in Montreux or elsewhere in Switzerland
The range of Cuban cigars is the most extensive on the market. We offer the products of about twenty of the most famous habanos. They are generally stronger and are intended primarily for connoisseurs.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"
A unique terroir
The character of a habanos is linked mainly to their origin. The land where the tobacco was grown determines the expression of the product, like a renowned wine. A drastic selection of leaves is essential to further define the aromatic richness and nobility of these cigars.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley
The island has only a few tobacco farms from which all local production originates. Each farm has its own cultivation method. Their soils are of exceptional quality and there are microclimates specific to each region. This allows each harvest to measure the quality of the leaves. There are four main areas of tobacco production in Cuba, namely Vuelta Abajo, Vuelta Arriba, Partido and Semi Vuelta.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series
The Top 5 Most Famous Cuban Cigars
The Montecristo No. 4 is, in the opinion of experienced smokers, the best cigar in the world. This is a small elaborate corona with 4 types of leaves. The brand, founded in the first half of the 20th century, was once the most selective in the country. But over time, a new competitor, Cohiba, overshadows it by offering prestigious habanos. Very quickly, the firm regained first place in sales, notably with the most limited series on the market.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"
The Churchill vitola, belonging to the Julieta y Romeo brand, ranks second among exceptional Cuban cigars. A product particularly appreciated by the late English Prime Minister. The producer has the widest range of hand-rolled habanos.
The Lancero from the Cohiba brand takes third place in the standings. The brand's cigars are characterized by their aromatic wrapper originally used by the Aborigines. Moreover, one of the specificities of these habanos is the fermentation undergone by 3 of the 4 leaves that compose them in order to bring unique flavors to the products.
Cohiba and Monecristo share fourth place with their Esplendido and Montecristo N°2 cigars. The first is a sweet cigar obtained thanks to a very meticulous manufacturing method, resulting from a range intended for the elite. The second is also a mild habanos with a slightly sweet taste and is among the most prestigious cigars on the island.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series
The Partagas 8-9-8 closes the ranking and comes from one of the oldest Cuban manufacturers. The cigar won in 2014 the trophy of the best habanos by a magazine. The brand essentially offers powerful cigars in different sizes.
The place of Dominican cigars on the international market
Dominican cigars are the most famous after Cuban cigars. However, the country is the leading producer of Long Filler Premium cigars. The Dominican Republic is also the main supplier to the American market. A factor that has greatly influenced the direction of its manufacturing.
In sum, Dominican cigars are generally intended for amateurs, with a beautiful presentation, better quality and more aromatic tobacco leaves. You should know that the country does not produce specific leaves intended to be used as a wrapper. A fact that has led local manufacturers to offer cigars with a strong personality: light products, but endowed with a wide variety of aromas.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez
Some of the most famous Dominican cigars include:
- the Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars with character, among the most emblematic in the world.
- the Fuente Fuente Opus X Double Corona, an artisanal cigar that is both complex and full-bodied. A rare prestige product.
- the Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Eye of the Shark, a sweet and particularly complex cigar developing a roundness in the mouth. elected best cigar in 2017 by a magazine.
Santo Domingo
The quality of Nicaraguan cigars
Cigar consumption in Nicaragua dates back to the pre-Columbian period. From the 1990s, local production experienced an international boom. Once again, Americans are particularly fond of Nicaraguan cuvées of exceptional quality. In terms of quantity, the country now follows the world's largest producers.
Rafael González
San Cristobal
Here is an overview of the best cigars in the country:
- Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro comes from Cuban seeds. The cigar has a track record worthy of this high-end product. It is rich in flavors (white pepper, earth, nuts, espresso, spices) and its tasting is very smooth. The cigar won first place in the Cigar Aficionado's selection in 2019.
- the Padrón Series 1926 N°6 is rich in aromas with a rarely equaled balance (cocoa, earth, espresso, cherry). The tobacco leaves are aged before the cigar is made.
- the Warped Serie Gran Reserva 1988 Robusto develops a perfectly balanced complex smoke with notes of coffee and chocolate.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones
Specificities of Honduran cigars
Honduras also holds a sizeable share of the cigar market. Its production is mainly concentrated on two major terroirs: Copan, near Santa Rosa and Paraiso, near Danli. The origin of tobacco use dates back to the Maya civilization. The local variety grown is Copaneco.
In the 1930s, the El Canto brand was the one that really launched Honduran cigars on the international market. Cuban tobacco (havanensis seed) entered the country in the 1970s.
Also take advantage of our cigar offer from Africa or American rarities in our store located in Montreux. Ask us for advice and we can direct you to a product. You can also take advantage of new products or discover our favorites of the moment. Finally, do not hesitate to ask for a particular accessory from our dedicated section.