Our cigar store not far from Nyon, which has a thousand selected references, offers you the best cigars from around the world. Also find all the accessories ready to serve any amateur.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"

Smoking a cigar in Nyon: an art of living

Discover picturesque places dedicated to cigar smokers

Smoking a cigar is an enjoyable way of life, especially when it comes to meeting aficionados in a Nyon cigar shop. This art of living sends lovers of great cigars back to an excellent smoking room, a privileged place open to all to savor the creations of manufacturers from the other side of the world. The renowned psychologist, Sigmund Freud, for example, enjoys smoking a cigar to brainstorm.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley

During your escapade, fully enjoy your glass of whiskey while smoking a Cuban habano or a cigar from Nicaragua. Relax on a superb terrace for one to two hours and chat with other connoisseurs. Unlike a cigarette, your cigar does not burn in just a few minutes. Thanks to its unique flavors, a quality product takes you to the most absolute change of scenery. You will be served with the best alcohols and the best spirits in the world!

Smoke a prestige cigar for a special occasion

With its conciliatory dimension, smoking a cigar is an invitation to relaxation. A symbol of social success, smoking a cigar of the finest range, hand-rolled is a real deliberate exhibition. The best cigars such as the Gran Habano El Gigante, Arturo Fuente or Montecristo are fashioned from top quality leaves.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones

These fine cigars are part of a true tradition: that of smoking a cigar to celebrate personal success with a glass of renowned champagne. The Cuban cigar allows you to find a more substantial nicotine intake, hence its power. Smoking an Arturo Fuente Rosado cigar, with its exquisite smoothness and roundness, is an invitation to savor a blend of sweet aromatics with peppery notes. This cigar, which brings a rare and fine power, displays a unique and complex balance thanks to the maturation of the tobacco leaves in a dedicated room within the walls of the Fuente castle.
Rafael González
San Cristobal

Order your favorite variety now and give yourself a very special moment to share a passion.

Share a friendly moment around a good cigar in Nyon

We are a cigar store based in Nyon and offer cigars with strong flavors thanks to the alternative drying stage that alternates humid air and dry atmosphere.

Whether you are a simple tourist or a real cigar connoisseur, buy your cigars at the best price from our Nyon cigar store and enjoy the taste provided by products from countries renowned for their production. Find directly on our shop a whole selection of flavored cigars to make you vibrate without weariness and perpetuate your passion.
Santo Domingo

Then visit a renowned smokehouse in Nyon to taste your purchase. A way also to make unexpected encounters and why not to weave a friendly relationship between two amateurs.

How to recognize a good cigar around Nyon?

A Cuban Puro or Hoyo double coronas tasting evening in Nyon can be organized for the many tourists on business or eager for festivals. A unique opportunity to admire the atmosphere of a Nyon smokehouse.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez

The world of cigars has changed in recent years, but the traditional way of manufacturing still conveys a unique know-how for the great pleasure of novice smokers, but also experienced smokers. The rolling of the cigar is a fundamental criterion to take into account to seek the best cigar in Nyon. This gesture further determines the amount of smoke inhaled when drawing a cigar.

A poor quality cigar presents a difficult draw, since it does not burn well. This means either the presence of humidity or too tight rolling. Each brand has its own manufacturing method and this is reflected in the different qualities observable on the market.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series

Nyon is a Swiss city where trade rules contribute to the development of a competitive and dynamic economic fabric. Consequently, the cigar trade allows each importer to set the selling price which is generally in favor of cigar connoisseurs.

Under the law of supply and demand, setting a “trade” price is left to the market. Enjoy the Cuban cigar or the Premium cigar in Nyon, respecting traceability, and offering the best quality of preservation from the famous supply chain of Cuba.

The quality of Honduran cigars in Nyon or elsewhere

Our specialized cigar shop in Nyon offers you a wide choice of Honduran cigar brands that represent a real asset to our range.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"

Alec Bradley's highly recommended Prensado and Black Market series are taking a prominent place among major Honduran manufacturers. The production of cigars in Honduras is linked to a long local tradition towards tobacco.

The mixture of skilfully selected leaves gives Honduran cigars a subtle touch that is revealed at the time of tasting. The totally handmade cigar of the country offers a touch of authenticity for an experience out of time and space.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series

The Flor de Copan are cigars inherited from the know-how of the Mayan civilization and the old factory "La Real Factoria de Tabacos". These rich-tasting tobaccos, grown in the Copan regions, are hand-rolled as a continuation of the Honduran cigar-making tradition.

The Linea Puros attracts aficionados who prefer to choose this cigar from among the thousands of cigars from all over the world, thanks in particular to its richness in roasted aromas which leads to the discovery of the Honduran terroir and the cigar rolled entirely by hand, 100% local.

Also discover our special editions and other products from distant countries, such as the Dominican Republic or even Cameroon.