A cigar store in Basel or Morges invites you to discover the range of products from the most famous countries in terms of cigar production. Cuban, Dominican, Honduran and Nicaraguan cigars are the most reputable products on the market today. Tasting a cigar will transport you to the long cigar-making tradition of these countries.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"

Cuban Cigars: Forerunners of Cigar Fame in the International Market

A long cigar-making tradition

Cuba, the world's leading exporter of cigars, adopts a specific cultivation method and manufacturing method. Tobacco is grown traditionally using methods dating back to the 15th century. The harvested leaves are then fermented in barrels.

The best Cuban cigars, with full-bodied aromas, are among the best premium cigars. All habanos are grown in well-defined areas (Vuelta Abajo, Semi Vuelta, Partido and Vuelta Arriba). Their quality is based on 4 main factors, including soil, climate, tobacco varieties and know-how.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series

The main brands of Cuban cigars

The Cohiba brand, founded in 1966, is only accessible to amateurs from 1982. Its cigars are the symbol of excellence and prestige. It is distinguished by the fermentation of the 3 of the 4 leaves that make up its products. The objective is to obtain unique flavors.

Montecristo is certainly the best known brand of Cuban cigars. The leaves for the tripe and binders of its cigars all come from the Vuelta Abajo region. There is clay soil and a humid climate, favorable factors for the development of tobacco plants. The brand now has several references that meet the various expectations of consumers.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"

Partagas offers cigars with an intense taste. The brand has a wide variety of vitolas that have been manufactured using unique know-how. One of its most emblematic productions is the Partagas Serie DN°4 which is a full-bodied cigar. The latter even benefited from a dedicated production line.

The Romeo y Julieta workshop currently has one of the most extensive ranges of Cuban cigars. The late Prime Minister Winston Churchill was one of the brand's ambassadors. In 2006, it stands out with a unique habanos with a diameter of 55mm.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series

H. Upmann cigars have won numerous accolades in international competitions. These are habanos offering mild to medium potency. These are fine cigars made on two production lines, including the famous Magnum 46 or 56, but also the Sir Winston.

Know-how of Dominican cigar factories

The first Dominican cigar productions were mainly intended for the American market. Currently, the country is the second benchmark for cigar quality in the international market.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez

The tobacco production of the city of Santiago de Los Caballeros, founded in 1498 by Spaniards, today produces cigars made from more aromatic tobacco leaves. The fertile lands of the nearby Cibao valley, in the Vega Real, produce the best tobacco leaves on the island.

The geographical position of the Dominican Republic, wedged between the Northern Cordillera and the Central Cordillera, makes it a favorite land for tobacco crops, as they are protected from hurricanes and sea winds.
Santo Domingo

The island did not specialize in the production of leaves for wrappers. In the past, its factories relied mainly on the Connecticut wrapper. Currently, the production lines offer personalized cigars, with products adorned with wrappers from Sumatra, Ecuador or Cameroon.

A few large families share the local cigar market, including the family of Leon Jimenes, the Diaz family or even the Penas or the Fuente.
Rafael González
San Cristobal

Specificities of cigars from Nicaragua

Nicaraguan cigars are appreciated for their rich aroma and taste. Characteristics obtained in particular with the fertility of the grounds, particularly provided out of minerals. The tropical climate, alternating rainy and dry seasons also favors the quality of the leaves. This allows the country to occupy third place in cigar production.

It should also be noted that Nicaraguan cigars offer one of the best value for money. We offer a hundred modules from a dozen local producers: Condega, Gilbert de Montsalvat, Undercrown Maduro or Cumpay are easily accessible from our Basel cigar store.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones

Cigars from Honduras: up to date

History of the Global Marketing of Honduran Cigars

History reports the landing in Honduras of the Spaniards in search of precious metals and who discovered Mayan tobacco, Copaneco (a variety of local tobacco), which they cultivated on a large scale from 1719. They became landowners and planters of tobacco, they ship the tobacco leaves to Guatemala Ciudad, Mexico or Spain. This country is home to Copan and el Paraiso, two great cigar terroirs.

Since 1930 and through the El Encanto brand, Copan cigars find their place on the international market. The 1970s were marked by the arrival of havanensis seeds from Cuba and the creation of the La Flor de Copan factory to promote the reputation of the Copan cigar.

The Alec Bradley brand of cigars as a reference

Alec Bradley Cigar Company was established in 1996 and its cigars are highly regarded by aficionados. The factory offers balanced blends with tobacco from Honduras, mixed with those from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley

Among the most popular series, we can mention the Prensado or the Black Market. However, the range has a wide variety of products like Mundial, Texas Lancero or Blind Faith, all renowned for respecting strict specifications in terms of taste and manufacturing quality.

However, other brands stand out, such as Flor de Selva, Plasencia and Villa Zamorano. Cigars not always known internationally, but all come from a long tobacco tradition.