A cigar shop in Geneva or elsewhere in Switzerland invites you to discover hand-rolled cigars of exceptional quality and enjoy a moment of relaxation at a reasonable price. Coming from hand-picked official suppliers, our cigars are the guarantee of products combining unique know-how and the dedication of enthusiasts around the world. Also have access to our valuable advice for choosing and tasting your products according to the rules of the art. Finally, during your visit to Geneva, find a renowned smokehouse to enjoy an ideal setting to taste your module.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley

The rules to know for the consumption of the cigar

The cigar: a sign of social distinction par excellence

The cigar symbolizes social success, refinement and savoir-vivre. Indeed, this product represents luxury, knowing that just like wine, its consumption is rigorously framed by several rules. You have every chance of getting a few puffs out of a cigar, but without some base, it's the very essence of the product that isn't present. As soon as we talk about cigars, a very specific concept comes to mind.

The acquisition of knowledge about the cigar brings additional pleasure for an amateur, since he can now apprehend certain subtle perceptions during his consumption. The rules to know concern several points, including the manufacture, conservation, tasting and of course the art of smoking your cigar.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones

Always smoke in a quiet place

Regarding the code of knowing how to smoke, a process of thought linked to the pleasure that one can feel when tasting a cigar precedes the actual choice of the product. Whether it's a regular or a novice, the environment that prevails when smoking a cigar is essential.
Rafael González
San Cristobal

A pleasant calm setting is necessary for the smoker to fully enjoy his moment of freedom and escape. In addition, you should know that smoking such a product does not happen without preparation. For illustration, after a dinner, it is not recommended to take puffs directly, like the famous cigarette after snack. On the contrary, respecting a rest period allows your senses to prepare to move towards another dish. Likewise, there's no need to rush to light your Havana as soon as you sit down at a table of amateurs. A wait of about fifteen minutes will be enough to put you in optimal condition for the tasting.
Santo Domingo

Respect a slow draw

A medium sized cigar (about 13cm long) is normally smoked within an hour. Which equates precisely to one draw per minute. A double corona, measuring more than 20 cm, is generally consumed after 2 hours.

Unlike cigarettes, you should avoid smoking a cigar outdoors, at the risk of having your attention diverted by the elements present. In addition, the presence of wind will only accelerate its combustion. You should also know that when the fireplace is subjected to too high a temperature, the whole balance of the product is at stake.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez

Our tips for choosing your cigar

The different cigar producing regions

Discover the extent of our range of prestige cigars. Several brands of various origins and of different sizes are available in our Geneva cigar shop.

To get to the heart of the matter, the best cigars are the habanos produced in Cuba's Vuelta Abajo region. In particular, there are optimal conditions for the cultivation of tobacco. This results in leaves rich in aromas. Cuban cigars are also said to be quite potent.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series

After the Castro revolution, the Dominican Republic conquered a large share of cigar production, thanks in particular to the quality of its products and their softness. You can also opt for cigars from Honduras or Nicaragua, two prime destinations for discovering ancestral know-how. Other countries have specialized in the production of wrapper, such as Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the United States and the Canary Islands.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"

The choice of module

The smoker must also make his choice according to the size of the cigar. The dimensions of the modules do not meet specific standards. However, there are references called gauges and whose measurements are expressed in inches. For example, the Corona, which is a medium cigar, is about 13cm in length. In principle, the ratio between the length and the diameter of a cigar varies from 1 to 10. It is more a question of the presentation of the product.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series

However some cigars, made by hand, short but wide, do not obey this principle. For example, half double-coronas have a diameter twice as large as a corona. Manufacturers also offer fine cigars called pantellas. Due to the manual manufacturing method of these fine products, it is impossible to roll a cigar below 8 mm. While Montecristo and its module named "A" displays 23.5 cm in length and 18.5 mm in diameter.

Keep in mind and contrary to popular belief that a small module is more harmful than a larger module. In fact, the width of the diameter correlates with the amount of nicotine and tar present in the smoke. The larger the diameter, the more complete the combustion, reducing for example up to 5 times the amount of nicotine.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"

Moreover, in order to find a better taste, prefer a cigar that has retained a certain humidity. The combustion temperature is reduced, caused by the evaporation of the water contained in the leaves, which leads to the emanation of aromatic substances which disintegrate during strong combustion.

From the first draws, water vapor and smoke condense in the module. This produces a heating of the cigar and therefore avoids more smoke condensation, which makes the tasting particularly pleasant. This is the whole point of keeping cigars in a cellar with a humidity level of around 60 to 70%. The wrapper of a cigar that is too dry risks splitting, the product gives off a pungent smoke and burns quite quickly.