Cigar production in the world
Cigars are made exclusively from tobacco leaves. Tobacco leaves are grown in South America, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, and the Americas. The cultivation of this plant is also done in Brazil, Cameroon, Indonesia, Nicaragua and Honduras.
In 2017, world tobacco production represented around 6.5 million tonnes. China is the largest tobacco producer in the world with two million tons per year.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series
How to enjoy and buy cigars online?
Cigars can be found in many places. You have to know the different types of cigars and know how to distinguish a good cigar in order to be able to select your product properly.
There are several cigars on the European market and internationally. It is possible to distinguish them according to distinct criteria, for example their shape and size:
• Corona, very popular thanks to its short tasting time (30 minutes), a size accessible to all (between 140 and 150 mm); a familiar variety, the Petit Corona, also called Mareva with its height of about 129 mm. The Gran Corona is longer, with a ring larger than 44
• Piramides, pointed, like the head of a shell. Often 152 mm and with a ring of 52, its taste is powerful
• Panetela (classic and Gran), thin models, quick to smoke. Approximately between 110 and 120 mm, with a ring of 26
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"
In order to determine your choice of cigar, the different types allow you to know which of the modules is at your convenience. The diversity of cigars is due to the tobacco producing countries. Opt for fine cigars if you desire a light smoke. It also depends on how long you want to smoke, some are quicker to smoke and others can last over thirty minutes.
The power of the cigar depends on the level of nicotine present in it. The color of the wrapper does not alter this criterion, although it was the case before (dark wrapper for a powerful cigar).
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"
Why buy online ?
Buying cigars on the internet is now possible. You just have to take into account the regulations of tobacco purchase restrictions in the country where you are. You can buy cigars from wine shops, civets and buy online. This mode of purchase on the internet offers several advantages. You can find many varieties of cigars online. Today, it is very easy to find an online store that offers cigars at very attractive prices.
Sites known to source producers allow buyers to verify the authenticity of cigars on the Internet.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series
To find a reliable website for your online cigar purchases, the administrators must justify the guarantee of the authenticity and quality of the product. Each site makes the delivery with the possibility of following the order at any time. Avoid online stores that don't answer questions the way you want.
The sale of tobacco in all its forms (cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, etc.) is exclusively placed under the responsibility of the administration. Sales competition is tough because some countries do not set the price of cigars. You have plenty of choice with varieties that you cannot find in your country.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez
Where are your quality cigars traditionally produced?
Central America and South America are the oldest tobacco producers. Cuba produces the most beloved cigars in the world, thanks to its reputation for the finest tobaccos that began in the Vuelta Abajo region. Later, production expanded to other countries. The Dominican Republic, Mexico and Honduras are also famous for their excellent cigars.
Santo Domingo
Mexico has a tobacco factory that creates very successful cigars. Particularly, they are sold in the same country or exported to the United States. While, the Philippines have their traditional cultures, they make handmade cigars with locally grown and very mild tobacco. As for Venezuela and Paraguay, not very well known, they create tobacco with a unique and atypical flavor.
Rafael González
San Cristobal
The Americas are the heirs of a long tradition, the Connecticut Valley is the largest region that produces tobacco. The optimal conditions are artificially reconstituted in greenhouses in order to obtain high quality tobacco. Then they are used to produce the best cigars of the Dominican Republic or even in other very famous ones (Macanudos from Jamaica).
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones
The wide variety of cigar types from different countries gives the aficionado the opportunity to explore exaggerated options (tasting several to find the best taste).
The qualities of cigars are defined by its characteristics and its provenance, as well as its method of manufacture. Each producer deposits his signature to guide users, whether through shapes, sizes and aromas.
There are 33 brands of Habanos or Cuban cigars, which are the work of making 220 cigars. The longer a cigar is, the richer it will be in aromas. Some lightweight Cuban-sourced, handcrafted vitolas are recommended for beginners.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley
We recognize a cigar by its cylindrical shape, but there are beveled cigars at the level of their head (like the Figurados). This allows you to first taste the aromas of the wrapper leaves (delicate leaf with a brown shade) before reaching the part of the cigar where the tobacco is.
Thin cigars, with small diameters, burn faster. They have a slight pungent taste since the aromas are deposited instantly on the tongue.