A confirmed trend
Buying cigars on the web is a practice that is spreading more and more. The rapid evolution of lifestyles continues to disrupt the buying habits of aficionados. In particular the youngest, who are constantly connected to their terminal (smartphone, tablet or PC) are more inclined to make their cigar purchases online. Customers no longer necessarily have the time to visit a professional, and the current health context has reinforced this trend.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley
A simplified and intuitive customer experience
Tasting a cigar: a question of aroma
Aficionados or simply curious in search of cigar tasting: hold the codes. Tasting is above all a question of pleasure and memory, of taste, olfactory, sensory. The perception of tobacco aromas can change according to the terroir which has its specificity. The best time of day to enjoy a cigar is certainly late morning: the taste buds are able to obtain the maximum amount of information to smell the sweetness of your cigar. Give priority to the aromas of cigars from renowned terroirs such as Cuba for a medium-sized cigar. Choose your cigar according to the pleasure provided by the scent of the aroma that suits you. For example, the Villiger brands la meridiana, San'doro, la Vencedora, la Libertad, Casa de Nicaragua and Corrida are some of the most famous handmade cigars around the world.
A lit cigar in the right addresses in Zurich or Bastel can enhance your tasting. Also enjoy the best smoking room for hand-rolled cigars in the United States, the Far East, Switzerland and Germany.
Smoking a cigar: a meaningful tradition
Aficionados claim that smoking cigars is an art that anyone can learn
who appreciates good manners. A symbol of a certain prestige, the cigar is far from being a luxury item. A gentleman never smokes a cigar in a cigar lounge when he is stressed. It takes time, relaxation, an hour of pleasure without discussing business in order to enjoy a cigar.
The handmade cigar from Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil or Mexico evokes the heat and the sea. It is associated with the art of choosing the price that can vary from $4 to $200, the caliber, value for money or format.
But the right cigar may depend on what you're drinking. Sweet cigars go well with Scotch just as Monte Cristo goes with sweeter drinks.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones
The right ways to hold your cigar
Smoking a cigar is a pleasure linked to a certain luxury for aficionados. He requires a minimum of elegant method to hold his cigar. To mark one's social distinction, holding one's cigar correctly is a learned way. To conform to a simple, "less classy" gesture, you can hold your cigar as you would hold a cigarette.
But the other more appreciated gesture, like a gentleman, is to add a third finger to balance the cigar. In order to conform to a method that makes you feel comfortable, some smokers wedge the cigar in a staggered pattern with their fingers.
Almost at the end of the cigar, the majority of aficionados invent a trick. As the smoke becomes very hot, they plant a toothpick in the butt of the cigar. Thus, they may continue to smoke for a long time after the burning tobacco is so close to the lips.
as long as you risk getting burned.
Rafael González
San Cristobal
For a first experience: opt for a good quality cigar
The intensity and characteristic taste of a cigar constitute its body. Testing different cigars is a surefire way to decide your preference for low, medium, or high-intensity cigars. When the cigar feels too full-bodied, it means it's too strong for you. In this case, choose a brand less strong and more suitable to your taste.
Often, smoking a cigar is associated with a privileged moment of pleasure over a longer period of time. As a result, a shorter cigar will be smoked more quickly, thereby reducing cigar roll, i.e. the amount of smoke inhaled and air circulating inside a cigar.
For beginners, start with your first cigar at low intensity to estimate and observe the wrapper. The leaves which can vary from pale green (milder) to black (stronger) respectively give a very pleasant aroma.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez
In Nicaragua, the cigar industry takes advantage of the tobacco-growing areas around Estelí, where all the major manufacturers of handmade cigars are concentrated. Nicaraguan tobacco offers a robust and intense taste, intended for cigar lovers.
Santo Domingo
How to choose the perfect cigar to smoke?
It is best to prioritize the intensity of the cigar and the preferred flavors in particular.
It is also useful to know the parameter to be eliminated, such as cigars with a very dark wrapper.
For a more expensive price, you can treat yourself to a Limitada box, which is a small pack of 3 to 5 cigars of the same size but different flavors.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series
Choosing the right cigar online
The purchase of cigars on the web makes it possible to find beautiful nuggets. Thanks to a price war, one can possibly find promotional prices. Offering a wide choice, this sale on the web causes you to find aromas of spices, cocoa and cedar, a leather smoke when tasting a cigar.
For a Cuban or Dominican cigar, the tobacco is fermented beforehand, thus lowering the nicotine level. Then, the drying method between humid air and dry atmosphere helps to reveal the scents and tastes of tobacco.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"
Take advantage of the virtue of online sales, very easy to use, because cigars are paid less for brands that are not found in your place of residence such as Cuban cigars: Arturo Fuente , La Estancia, Liga Privada, Placencia.
Find directly on the specialized online store a selection of good cigars at a reasonable price. An online Cuban cigar shop with 24 hour delivery has a unique experience to satisfy you.
Order your prestige box from a specialist with Cuban or Dominican cigar label certification.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series