Buying a Havana cigar: the other experience for traveling to Cuba
The light brown tabaco havana cigar is vastly different from the simple cigarette (cigar), it is essentially formed of tobacco and contains no trace of paper. While an average sized cigar can contain up to 200 mg of nicotine, this proportion is much lower for a cigarette, at 10 mg. Added to this is the power criterion which is expressed by the production method and the aromas in close connection with the terroir of the tobacco leaves.
The Havana cigar is strongly linked to its aesthetics, a light wrapper, dark or lighter in tone, enveloping the other layers well. The Havana cigar is made from natural tobacco leaves growing on Cuban soil.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"
Havana Cuban cigars are on sale with us, including products from the famous Cohiba brand, whose fame is attached to the leader Fidel Castro. The Bolivar brand and its famous Coronas (Junior and Royal) are also a benchmark thanks to their strong personality and unique power. Or the Hoyo de Monterrey cigars with its tobacco fields below the banks of the San Juan River.
The brand of knowledgeable connoisseurs Rafaël Gonzalez develops Havana cigars rolled entirely by hand and made from whole leaves. Find José Lamadrid Piedra and his cigars popularized in the Americas since the 1940s, the famous Montecristo Havana cigars made from the best tobacco from Vuelta Abajo since 1937
Other big names in the cigar world are available from us: Diplomaticos, Partagas, Trinidad, Vegueros, Juan Lopez or Quintero.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series
Thanks to our specialized e-shop, buying a real cigar has never been so easy. Our Havana cigar cellar opens the doors to you directly on South American products selected for their great wealth of tastes and aromas to enjoy a privileged moment at home. For example, sipping a glass of Bourbon, wine or whisky.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"
What is a Havana and where does this cigar come from?
The word “havana” designates both the tobacco produced in the eastern part of the island of Cuba and the cigar made with this tobacco with its characteristic smell. The best Cuban Havana cigars come from the plains of Vuelta Abajo in the province of Pinar del Río (wrapper and tripe leaves). Luxury Cuban cigars were exported from 1817 from the port of Havana: the global preponderance of habanos is explained by the exclusive composition of tobacco of Cuban origin. The seeds are grown on the island, the Havana tobacco plantations are located at the western end.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series
The tobacco farms produce a Havana cigar according to their method and their aging technique:
- resting the wrapper leaves, outdoors or in greenhouses
- selection of tripe leaves, whole or crushed and mixed
- aging of the different leaves (cape, top and base).
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley
A havana or puro is a cigar produced exclusively in Cuba: the cigar benefits from a protected designation of origin Habano remarkable by an official logo. The word Havana is taken from habano, derived from habana which means the capital of Cuba in French.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez
This designation means that Havana tobacco is planted, harvested, processed and then rolled in Cuba.
Since the 17th century, factories (El Rey Del Mundo, Corona) have been located in Remedios, an agricultural area of the capital Havana.
A real traditional Havana cigar contains 5 tobacco leaves, one for the wrapper and another for the binder, the other three are mixed for the filler. The torcedor worker rolls the Havana cigar by hand after the successive stages of drying, humidification, stripping and selection
Havana cigars outside the state-controlled network are counterfeits, they are rolled with unused tobacco leftovers from farms.
Santo Domingo
The true premium Havana cigar for export wears a band (invented in 1845 in Havana) is distinct from the veguero cigar produced locally by Cuban peasants. The best plants and harvests go to export brands, with the rest going to farmers who make rum and honey flavored cigars to mask lesser quality plants.
A Havana is a cigar for initiated smokers, however brands can be very suitable for beginners and moderately initiated:
- small module with a tasting of about twenty minutes (Cohiba Panetelas)
- mild robusto (Hoyo de San Juan or Cohiba)
- long, round and rich without being too full-bodied (Churchill from Romeo y Julieta).
Rafael González
San Cristobal
Why Buy a Havana Cigar Online?
The coveted universe of Havana cigars is online! To explore Havana's cigar offering, it is a good idea to consult an up-to-date havanoscope and discover the prestige cigars in vogue. It is a reference review established by judges who have tasted each of the 200 cigars from Havana. Each cigar is evaluated according to its aspect, its combustion, its aromas, etc.
You can compare our wide selection of Habano boxes or cellars online by leafing through your guide and orient yourself on the number of rings awarded - from 1 to 5, mediocre, good, exceptional.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones
Draw inspiration from a renowned specialist with expert advice on the best choices for premium Havana cigars
- totally by hand with whole leaves or long tripe (“Totalmente a Mano - Tripa Larga”)
- totally by hand with chopped leaves or short tripe (“Totalmente a Mano - Tripa Corta“)
- “Mecanizado” industrial habanos.
Buying your havana from a retailer who has obtained an exclusive and reliable quality label offers you the best storage and delivery guarantees. Without forgetting a perfect knowledge of the products and a wide range of novelties and limited editions of authentic puro Havana cigars.