Smoking a cigar: a question of prestige?
Cigarette or roll of cigar tobacco, is it simply a matter of volume, taste or simply experimenting with a new way of smoking? Smoking a cigar while enjoying a glass of alcohol comfortably seated in your armchair is a prolonged moment of relaxation. It's another adventure that a cigarette consumed in a few minutes does not offer.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"
The soothing and enjoyable cigar experience
Smoking a cigar is a simple guilty pleasure that often brings the greatest comfort.
The occasional cigar brings to the body a quantity of much more consequent chemical relaxation or nicotine: that is to say 10, even 20 times more (100 to 200 mg against 10 mg).
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series
The cigar and the cigarette are pleasant by their relaxing smoke but also by the addiction or psycho-dependency to the pleasure. Lighting a cigar is often associated with personal success: the smoker links the happy moments each time he indulges in his cigar.
In good times, the cigar is intimately linked with alcohol, glass of champagne or glass of bourbon and premium scotch.
Find a selection of premium cigars directly on the specialized online store and enjoy a moment of relaxation at a reasonable price. An online Cuban cigar shop with delivery within 24 hours throughout Switzerland!
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"
The cigar: a price to pay or a reputation to afford?
Flaunting your success and smoking a cigar can be a cliché much touted by the Hollywood industry. But far from the cinema, the most influential men in this world, like the indomitable Winston Churchill, deliberately exhibit themselves with cigars in hand.
Everyone knows the Havana Protected Designation of Cuba. Leading cigar brands online benefit from advertising iconic images etched in history. A trademark crowned with sophistication that has been appropriated by the best cigars in the world (Mayan Sicars, Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar, Double Corona Regius cigars, Arturo Fuent, Montecristo, Gurkha, Gran Habano El Gigante, etc.).
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series
Specialized hands sort the top quality leaves and shape in stages cigars that are sometimes worth up to nearly 900,000 CHF per prestige box. This is the case of the luxury cigar signed Gurkha: the Royal Courtesan N°1 cigar is infused with a bottle of 150,000 CHF (Remy Martin Black Pearl Louis XIII) after being worked in a particular ritual. Artisans hand-roll rare Himalayan tobacco drizzled exclusively with Fiji water, their eyes gagged to sharpen their senses. Each product is wrapped with gold foil and a band adorned with five carat diamonds!
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez
On average, the quality cigar is around an online price of 150 CHF / unit, sold in a box or a cigar humidor containing an average of 20 to 50 units.
A cigar stands out for the quality of its leaves and their origin (Cuba or Dominican Republic with a selection of 70 varieties of tobacco), the work carried out (170 steps, 300 operations lasting an average of 5 years) and the reputation of its manufacturers.
Flavored cigars online are increasingly popular with young adults between the ages of 28 and 35 in the global market. You can order your prestige cigar at a price that directly includes the delivery of your box to your home.
Santo Domingo
How to choose your cigar online?
Recognize a good cigar
For connoisseurs, the rolling of the cigar is an essential criterion to consider when looking for the best cigar online. This is a crucial point for the experience of the draw, that is to say the amount of smoke inhaled and air circulating inside a cigar.
Rafael González
San Cristobal
A draw that is too slow, because the cigar does not burn well, spoils the smoker's experience and can be explained by an excess of humidity (tobacco not dry enough during its elaboration, bad rolling procedure too tight).
The origin of the tobacco used (mainly black as opposed to blond for cigarettes) and the process of processing the tobacco leaves are specific to each brand. This determines the quality of so-called Premium cigars online and other good quality products.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones
Abnormal glow means that the cigar has defects on the wrapper leaf (delicate leaf wrapper with shades of brown). It is sometimes a sign of modest quality, faults having their respective names are known by accustomed cigar smokers:
- “racing cigar”
- “tunnel cigar”
- “cone cigar”
- “canoe cigar”.
Buttery, woody or peppery notes, aromas of spices, cocoa and cedar, a hint of leather, tasting a cigar is like experiencing a wine. The long manufacturing process begins with the fermentation of the tobacco lowering the nicotine level. Then comes the alternate stage of drying between humid air and dry atmosphere to fully reveal the scents and tastes of Cuban or Dominican tobacco.
Cigar: short or long caliber?
Another aspect of the cigar experience is determined by its length: half an hour which can extend up to two hours! This draw time greatly influences the perception of the taste of your cigar. In their design, here are the main differences between long and short cigars:
- long module made by hand with several tobacco leaves crumpled together to form the filler (the heart of the cigar),
- short module most generally made by machine, the tobacco leaves are crushed before being mixed (chopped tripe).
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley
The caliber of the cigar, however, has little influence on the draw on the flavor of a cigar, although the long module is perceived as better by budding neophyte smokers...
We are a store specializing in the marketing of cigars online. Buy your cigars at the best price and enjoy a unique experience learning about the taste of fine pleasures. Order your humidor or your prestige box from a specialist with the certification of the Cuban or Dominican cigar labels.