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The timeless heritage of H. Upmann cigars

Founded in 1844 by the Upmann brothers, the iconic brand is still one of the big names in the world of Cuban cigars. This longevity, which owes nothing to chance, is explained by the exceptional quality of the selected tobaccos, their remarkable construction, as well as by their complex character, all in lightness and moderation.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"

H. Upmann cigars: a strong and very assertive identity

A culture of excellence and consistency

From its inception almost two centuries ago to the present day, the H. Upmann brand is considered one of the most respected Habano brands in the world. This success, which owes nothing to chance, is based on a culture of excellence very strongly anchored in all links in the chain of production and distribution of puros.

True enthusiasts of Cuban cigars, the founders of the brand quickly understood the importance of integrating very high quality raw materials upstream in the manufacture of premium cigars. They decided from the start of their adventure to select only tobacco leaves from the most famous region: Vuelta Abajo.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series

Inimitable flavor and texture

The resulting blend gives H. Upmann cigars their sweetness while providing a slightly full-bodied touch. Subtle aromas of cocoa, roasted almonds, spices and earth stand out as the tasting progresses.

The H. Upmann range of habanos are totally handmade and long filler (totalmente a mano, tripa larga) and are remarkably constructed. This characteristic helps to bring more complexity to the already creamy texture.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"

To add an extra touch of authenticity to the package, H. Upmann cigars feature more balanced wrapper leaves than the competition, as well as some of the larger sizes for a more flavorful draw.

It seems obvious that H. Upmann cigars are essential for the cellars or the selection of any self-respecting aficionado.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series

Cigars that live up to their fame

In order to guarantee the freshness and preservation of cigars intended for the European market, the Upmann brothers innovate by proposing to package cigars in cedar boxes.

This idea arose long before they started manufacturing cigars, and the usefulness of the “Upmann” boxes had already largely convinced the main producers of the time.

The Upmann brothers integrate this innovation from the outset when the production of their brand begins.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez

Very concerned about the satisfaction of their customers, they introduced another unprecedented practice: the distribution of the workforce of planters in different divisions to better control the supply of top quality tobacco leaves.

The success was quickly at the rendezvous, so much so that the brand was rewarded with several gold medals at international competitions between 1862 and 1893. The worldwide fame of H. Upmann cigars reached its peak until the beginnings of the First World War.
Santo Domingo

The great classics of the H. Upmann brand

The rather mild to slightly full-bodied character of H. Upmann cigars does not affect their aroma and flavor in any way. They are therefore aimed at a wide audience, and are suitable for both beginner smokers and the most experienced amateurs. H. Upmann cigars can be enjoyed between 20 minutes to more than an hour depending on the choice, and on any occasion. In addition, they are extremely well built and particularly elegant.
Rafael González
San Cristobal

The brand comes in many vitolas both for the classic range and for the limited editions. Each module has its own characteristics, whether they are authentic Cuban habanos or “New World” cigars (Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras). However, we only show you the great classics that are among the most popular.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones

Sir Winston

This cigar, available in limited quantities (due to an increasingly widespread trend towards shorter but bulkier cigars) and therefore rare, is considered one of the best habanos in the world. This Churchill type module and Julieta No. 2 vitola has a length of 178 mm for a cepo of 47 (equivalent to 18.65 mm), an ideal format for a slow and tasty tasting. You will need to devote at least 75 minutes of your time to fully appreciate this cigar with its evolving character and very balanced tastes. A complex mix of aromas of chocolate, almonds enhanced by subtle floral notes, stands out once in the mouth. This cigar develops a more creamy and woody character as it evolves, for a slightly sweet biscuity finish. This exceptional cigar, accompanied by a grand cru of champagne, is perfect for celebrating a special event. He takes his name from the mythical British Prime Minister who was his biggest fan.

Magnum 50

This double Robusto has quickly established itself with aficionados since its release, thanks to the power and richness of its aromas. With a length of 160 mm and its cepo of 50 (equivalent to 20 mm), it is a short and thick cigar. It offers peppery, woody flavors with a zest of lemon and a touch of Scotch. The concentration of aromas is felt very quickly in the mouth, even if the power is still under control. It is maintained remarkably throughout the tasting, and this until the end. Its texture is creamier than that of the legendary Magnum 46, and it is recommended to taste it after a good hearty meal, accompanied by a glass of full-bodied red wine. Allow up to 90 minutes to fully savor this meticulously crafted cigar. It will delight the most demanding smokers.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley

The H. Upmann brand offers a complete range of vitolas to satisfy all tastes, while retaining its very special character. In addition to the must-haves mentioned above, you should not overlook the excellent Magnum 46, Coronas, Royal Robusto, No 2, etc.