History of Romeo y Julieta cigars
Brand foundation
The Romeo y Julieta brand of Cuban cigars was created in 1873 by Inocencio Alvarez Rodriguez and Jose Garcia, both originally from Spain. They first set up their workshop on San Rafael Street before moving to Belascoin Street, still in the Cuban capital.
According to legend, before the creation of the brand, the illiterate factory workers had become accustomed to listening to stories. These, very motivated, had a preference for the romantic tragedy entitled Romeo and Juliet. The brand has therefore chosen to take this name to identify itself on the Cuban cigar market.
cigar cases
Flor De Copan
Alec Bradley
A few years after its creation and until the beginning of the 20th century, the manufacture obtained several times the first place during the tasting sessions mainly thanks to the character of its cigars and their complexity. These distinctions are proudly displayed through the brand logo.
Takeover of the manufacture and its international expansion
In 1903, the factory was bought by Jose Rodriguez Fernandez. The man, nicknamed “Don Pepin”, was known at the time to be a businessman of international reputation. His main objective was to make his cigars known in the world market.
During the first half of the 20th century, the Romeo y Julieta brand specialized in figurado: habanos with a tapered shape at both ends. The success is such that the cigars of Don Pepin are positioned at the top of the list of the most demanded products in the 1940s. Gradually, the famous figurado no longer know their success with aficionados. However, the brand is constantly expanding its range.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"
Some time after the death of Don Pepin (in 1954) and following the Castro Revolution, cigar factories were nationalized. Some owners have decided to set up their production in the Dominican Republic and keep the same name. However, the quality of Cuban Romeo y Julieta remains unmatched.
Monte Cristo
Ramon Allones
Around the 1990s, enthusiasts turned, for example, to a new famous brand produced in the Romeo y Julieta factory: the Cuaba. At the same time, the factory decided to launch into the creation of personalized rings accessible to all. Another success, knowing that the company would have sold no less than 20,000 unique models since.
As of the 2000s, habanos Romeo y Julieta took second place, behind Montecristo. In 2001, its exports represented 16.2% of the market. The quality of Romeo y Julieta cigars makes the brand one of the top ranked in terms of size and shape.
Rafael González
San Cristobal
Romeo y Julieta: the most diverse range of habanos
An offer of medium-strength Cuban cigars
Currently, there are about twenty Romeo y Julieta modules, apart from the special editions. The latter owe their fame to their character, but also to the complexity of their bouquet.
The brand's cigars are based on a blend or ligada of leaves produced in the Vuelta Abajo region. A choice put forward by the founder due to the balance and rich aromas of these leaves, allowing its production to be classified in the category of medium strength habanos. A way to satisfy both a fine connoisseur and a novice. The exception is the Cazadores, which is a rustic cigar intended only for lovers of strong product.
Santo Domingo
The brand's bestsellers
Today, the most distinguished mod is undoubtedly the Churchill, a cigar exclusively rolled for the English Prime Minister during the period of World War II. His entry into the commercial line only took place from 1947 and following the character's visit to the premises of Romeo y Julieta. A concrete example of a personalized ring for authentic taste and design, which had the original name Clémenceau (Julieta n°2), and which was produced in the 1920s. This unique old production is the only one still on sale today. Sir Winston Churchill did not claim a vitola in his name, but it is simply a free publicity stunt for the sign. Subsequently, other habanos also received the name of this personality:
- the Short Churchill, a cigar close to the Robusto, has a beautiful wrapper with a velvety feel. On the aroma side, this habanos is wrapped in a cedar leaf, but also has citrus notes. A slight spicy taste is revealed in the first draw.
- the Wide Churchill, which appeared in 2006, follows on from the Short Churchill and displays the brand's largest caliber (2.2 cm in diameter and 13 cm long). Its aromas are light, its flavors balanced and its combustion perfect.
- the Petit Churchill is silky during the first draws where woody and chocolate aromas follow one another. Little by little, the cigar reveals its character. The last puffs show all the intricacy and intricacy of this Romeo Churchill.
Davidoff Series 702
Juan Lopez
The Mille Fleurs is the brand's second most popular module. This one is smaller caliber, suitable for conventional consumers. Its aromas are close to damp wood and humus. But if you pay close attention, the flavors stand out over the course of the tasting. Notes of precious woods and fatty herbs are noticeable on the first third of the cigar. Then, aromas of roasted coffee with scents of spices take place. In the last third, the smoke is longer and very oily in the mouth. Gourmet aromas close to hazelnut and honey close the draw.
Over time, new creations are offered by the brand and others are withdrawn from the market.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series
A manufacturing that has remained identical since the creation of the brand
Nothing has changed since the creation of the factory, whether it is the cultivation method or the manufacturing method itself. Tobacco is grown in the traditional way: the plants are first grown indoors for 8 weeks before being transplanted into the ground. After the harvest, the leaves are fermented in barrels. They are essentially rolled by hand, but for some cigars, the rolling is done using a machine, like the Mini Puritos.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"
Our online cigar shop offers a selection of Romeo y Julieta accessible to all budgets and dedicated to all tastes. These range from Sport Largos, through Petit Coronas and Petit Royales, to the premium Churchill Tubos cigar and special editions.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series