Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Swiss company Davidoff has specialized in humidors, then in the tobacco industry (tobacco blends, cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco) associated with luxury products. The production of Davidoff cigars is done directly on site in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic.
Davidoff Cigars
Limited Editions
Davidoff series "Anniversary"
The discovery of cigar cellars in Europe with Zino Davidoff
19-year-old Zino Davidoff learned cigar making in Cuba, Argentina, and Brazil. For two years, he familiarized himself with the production methods of Cuban cigars. Back in Geneva, he inherited his parents' shop and decided with his father to market a new section of Havana cigars in Europe. Thanks to his friendships made during his previous trip to Latin America, the Cubans offered the young Davidoff the opportunity to create his own cigars and make them available to wealthy customers. The Davidoff house project materializes with the first series and the others later:
- Davidoff N°1
- Davidoff N°2
- Ambassador
- 1000 series
- 2000 series
- 3000 series
- 4000 series
- 5000 series.
Davidoff Yamasa Series
Davidoff Sir Winston Churchill
Davidoff Signature Series
Produced by the Hoyo de Monterrey factory and under the supervision of Hendrik Kelner, Davidoff cigars are part of the legend. Now, the collection of Havana cigars is later associated with the appellation of the most famous vineyards of Bordeaux: Château Lafite, Château Latour, Château Mouton Rotschild, Château d'Yquem and Château Haut-Brion. The Davidoff brand is positioned as an international brand: the worldwide distribution of licensed Davidoff products begins in the latter part of the 20th century. Since 1991, Davidoff cigars from the Oettinger Davidoff group have been made in the Dominican Republic.
Davidoff "Millennium Blend" series
Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff series "Grand Cru"
The discovery and transmission of the passion for the Cuban cigar is attributed to a few families, including that of Davidoff thanks to their civet in Geneva and cigar cellars in Europe. The Oettinger group, then one of the pioneers of the importation of Cuban cigars in Europe, contributed largely to the rise of the cigar in the four corners of the globe thanks to their merger. The brand with evocative names of famous vintages rhymes with perfumes, leather goods, watches, coffee and cognac.
Davidoff Primeros and Cigarillos
Davidoff series "Royal"
Davidoff Nicaragua Series
What is a Davidoff Cigar?
A Davidoff is a balanced Dominican cigar, both in taste and potency. This makes it a pleasant and easy to smoke cigar to experience an intense moment of pleasure and relaxation. The Dominican cigar has a unique, rich and pleasant aromatic profile.
What distinguishes a Davidoff cigar lies in its filler and its wrapper: these two parts are composed of a clever blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco leaves. All cigars from the Swiss specialist are made entirely by hand.
The Davidoff factory controls every production procedure of the leaves: selection, drying process, fermentation and maturation and the art of assembly.
The dressing of a Davidoff cigar or wrapper is made of Connecticut tobacco leaf originating from Ecuador, with the exception of the Davidoff Dominican cigar from the Millenium series with an exclusive wrapper.
Davidoff cigars are available in several series
- Davidoff Classic Signature, smooth cigars with light strength, smooth smoke and a wide variety of aromas (wood, nuts, cocoa)
- Davidoff Mille
- Davidoff Grand Cru, medium strength cigars, aromas of leather, wood and cocoa
- Davidoff Millennium Blend, medium bodied cigars, complex bouquet of earthy, coffee, dark chocolate, dark berry and toasted bread aromas, darker wrappers, blend of tobaccos
- Davidoff Special
- Davidoff Special Figurados (assortment of cigars)
- Davidoff Puro d'Oro
- Davidoff Anniversario, complex cigars with aromas of spices, cocoa and leather, a moderately creamy smoke (Special Perfecto)
- Davidoff Nicaragua based on a blend of tobacco from Nicaragua, great strength, aromas of spices, nuts, coffee bread, cocoa and dark chocolate
- Davidoff Escurio, medium-bodied cigars with unique blends, Davidoff signature combined with Brazilian (spicy and sweet taste, refined and sophisticated character. Under wrapper of Criollo tobacco with spicy nuances and strong Cuban leaf Brazilian cubra. Dark, shiny and oily wrapper taken from the Ecuadorian Habano tobacco leaf Filler composed of different Dominican leaves: San Vicente Seco for earthy notes, Cubra for additional spicy notes, Piloto Seco to intensify the sweet aromas of coffee and oak.
Santo Domingo
W Churchill Davidoff cigars are smooth with fine aromas, long filler with constantly new blends of tobacco leaves provided with a darker wrapper. Davidoff Winston Churchill, light strength, leather, cocoa, wood and nut aromas; Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour, Medium Strength Cigars and Complex Toast and Chocolate Taste and Aroma Why Buy Davidoff Cigars?
Prices to match the Davidoff experience
The brand of cigars is assimilated to luxury, these are products that have symbolized the notoriety of the brand for decades. As soon as they are tasted, smokers, passionate amateurs or neophytes, notice the character of the first draws. This unique secular know-how has been transmitted thanks to the brand's vertical control of all manufacturing processes:
- origin of the leaves
- maturing
- year of manufacture
- evaluation of taste, aromas, combustion and draw.
Thus, the exceptional Davidoff cigars always take pride of place in the annual rankings of the best cigars in the world. This may well legitimize their purchase price. Find on our online store the majority of Davidoff series, available all year round in our cigar cabinets.
A range of exceptional cigars for all connoisseurs
The most experienced cigar aficionados find their happiness in the Swiss Davidoff series, looking for powerful cigars with strong tastes, a creamy smoke with a complex bouquet with each draw.
Choosing a Davidoff cigar also allows fans of the brand who like to be surprised by expressive, complex and original aromas, to try all the blends.
It is therefore a cigar that is aimed at confirmed smokers and aficionados who like medium-bodied cigars with natural notes of wood, leather or coffee.