Arturo Fuente Hemingway, Work of Art
Arturo Fuente Hemingway, Work of Art
Named after the famous cigar-smoking American novelist, the Hemingway Series by Arturo Fuente Cigars has quickly become one of the most popular All Figurado ranges in the world.
For smokers who preferred Perfectos, or "shaped" cigars, the 1980s were a particularly difficult decade. Once extraordinarily popular in the 1920s, 30s and 40s, these handmade cigars had all but disappeared from the public eye as no one in the industry made shaped cigars.
Then one day while on a trip to Florida, Carlos Fuente Sr. found old Perfecto molds in a warehouse. With a deep admiration and understanding of this particular style, he took the molds back to his factory in the Dominican Republic and taught his master roller exactly how to make these difficult pieces. Thus, the Fuente Hemingway series initiated a resurgence of Arturo Fuente cigars in the American market.
These highly respected, hand-rolled cigars are finely crafted with aged, mild to medium Dominican filler tobaccos, a Dominican binder and a delicate Cameroonian wrapper from West Africa. The result is a complex blend of earthy and woody flavors paired with a crisp, spicy finish. Arturo Fuente Hemingway Cigars deliver a timeless, flavorful smoke you won't want to be without; we offer variants like Short Story, Masterpiece, more. Discover the many Arturo Fuente cigars treat yourself to the best of the best.
Perfecto 124 x 23.8 mm (cepo 60)
Specific References
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