Bongani is the first African cigar brand. Cigars are made in Mozambique and Bongani is gradually increasing its presence in Africa, the United States and Europe. Africa is very well placed to produce excellent cigars: rich soils, plenty of water and sunshine and a long history of tobacco cultivation. Bongani means "Be grateful". Be grateful for life, family and friends. Be grateful to Africa, its people and Africa's resources.
The capes are from Cameroon; it is are among the best cigar wrappers in the world. The binder and filler tobaccos are grown in the province of Manica in Mozambique and soon in Nigeria. The cigars are aged in cedar from Ghana. This gives them a unique and rich flavor because this cedar is very rich and fragrant. Bongani are full bodied and medium to strong in strength. The draw is pleasant and the combustion very balanced.
To date, the range is available in 3 vitolas: Robusto (caliber 50), Bongani 458 Court (caliber 58, 10.5cm) and Bongani 458 Long (caliber 58, 14.5cm)