Tres Hermanos cigars have been developed to offer complete satisfaction to the finest connoisseurs. They surprise the senses with their tastes and flavors of great finesse. The Tres Hermanos cigar was born from the owner's passion for light and exquisite vitolas. Originally, the production was exclusively reserved for a restricted circle of insiders and was not marketed. Informed connoisseurs who were able to taste it were quickly seduced by the Tres Hermanos cigars which aroused unanimous enthusiasm. It was this general enthusiasm that prompted the owner to start marketing his brand to benefit more people. In particular, he decided to increase production to make these cigars accessible to a wider audience. Our cigars are available for sale in our e-shop, as well as in many shops, restaurants and hotels.
To this day, Tres Hermanos is still a “boutique” cigar brand due to the scarcity of the raw material used. It is very difficult to obtain the raw materials giving this cigar its particular taste.
The Tres Hermanos cigar is a blend of high quality tobacco leaves from different origins. They are carefully selected to make a cigar with unique tastes and exceptional flavors.