Cuesta Rey

Cuesta Rey

Since 1884, millions of cigar aficionados around the world have enjoyed Cuesta-Rey in search of the developed taste of a fragrant cigar. The Centro Fino Sungrown Collection showcases rich tobacco from the Quevedo region of Ecuador, using a potent, sunny wrap of Sumatran seeds. Blended with specially aged Dominican ligero mastic, the collection comes in multiple sizes and shapes to suit any connoisseur's desires. Much like a center cut of beef, the finest and tastiest rolling tobacco comes from the stem or centro-fino part of the plant. This results in a stronger cigar than the original Cuesta-Rey Centenario collection, yet smooth enough for the most discerning palates. Cuesta-Rey Centro Fino Since 1884, millions of cigar lovers around the world have enjoyed Cuesta-Rey in search of the developed taste of a fragrant cigar. The Centro Fino Sungrown Collection showcases rich tobacco from the Quevedo region of Ecuador, using a potent, sunny wrap of Sumatran seeds. Blended with specially aged Dominican ligero mastic, the collection comes in multiple sizes and shapes to suit any connoisseur's desires.

Nos Produits Cuesta Rey

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