Flor de Selva

Flor de Selva

Flor de Selva cigars Today, Honduras has two great cigar terroirs: “Copan” around Santa Rosa de Copan and “el Paraiso” around Danli. Landing in Honduras, going up the valley of the Rio Chamelecon towards the Cordillera de Celaque in search of precious metals, the Spaniards encountered Mayan tobacco. In Honduras, in Copan, the flagship city of the Mayan world, three centuries BC, “Yum Kaax” god of the harvest, brings us tobacco as an offering. Today, Flor de Selva perpetuates this heritage by making its cigars. The Flor de Selva brand was created in 1995 by Maya Selva : she introduces the Honduran terroir first to French amateurs and then throughout Europe. She then introduces amateurs to her cigars which combine the sweetness of the Dominicans and the Cuban power. They are easy to smoke, aromatic and overall smooth and suave.

Nos Produits Flor de Selva

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