Camacho Cigars was founded in 1961 by Simon Camacho and later acquired by the Eiroa family in 1995. Now part of the Oettinger Davidoff , Camacho Cigars is based in Danli, Honduras and specializes in making cigars with original seeds Cuban. After being expelled from Cuba in 1961, Simon Camacho started his business in Miami, Florida. Simon Camacho's cigars quickly gained great success in the United States and abroad. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was a fervent admirer of the brand. In the early 1990s the annual production of Simon Camacho reached 3 million cigars! Five years after the death of Simon Camacho, the company was acquired by the Eiroa family in 1995 and production transferred from Nicaragua to Honduras. In 1998, Simon Camacho's 26-year-old son Christian became president of Caribe Imported Cigars and put his years of experience to work for the family's plantations in Honduras. At the turn of the millennium and with the launch of the Camacho Corojo line, the Eiroa family and the Camacho brand joined the league of major players in the US cigar industry. In 2008, Camacho and its Rancho Jamastran de Danlí factory were finally sold to the Oettinger Davidoff group.