Casa Magna , puros from Nicaragua. The Quesada family, makers of Casa Magna cigars, have been involved in the tobacco industry for over 100 years. Matasa was created in 1974, it was a small cigar factory. It is Manuel Quesada who is at the origin of this small company. Over the years, she has witnessed and contributed to the growth of the tobacco industry around the world, participating in and developing brands such as Fonseca, Cubita, Jose Benito,...etc. The Quesada family has always strived for quality, consistency and pride in the family's work. The creation of the Casa Magna cigar line is the fruit of the minds of two of the great players in the tobacco industry in the world: Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plascencia. They created Casa Magna to replace the "Joya de Ncaragua" brand in the seventies. Casa Magna cigars are made entirely from Nicaraguan tobacco, so this is definitely a Puro de Nicaragua. It is the Segovia factory in Estelli that takes care of their manufacture. The power of the Casa Magna is quite sustained with their maduro finery. Excellent value for money