Blend - puro from Nicaragua with Rosado in Rosado oscuro Habano. Wrappers of Jalapa Leaves aged from 2 to 5 and a half years (average of an additional year of fermentation / aging than most cigars on the market. Aromas & Flavours: well-balanced aromatic depth and richness. Woody, spicy, animal and - Progression - pleasant and marked evolution, combustion - simple and complete, ashes - solid, compact and white Puro from Nicaragua, the Nicarao Especial is composed of unique Nicarao particularities give the Nicarao Especial its unique personality.(1), the leaves are harvested from the best parcels and come from the best microclimates of the Nicaraguan terroirs.Cigars are similar to wines; just a few meters can make the difference between a great vintage and a simple appellation.Understanding the soil and the environment is essential for the production of cigars of singular character.(2), after the harvest and the first fermentation, the leaves are chosen are and classified with precision. The classification is therefore finer than that of standard sheets on the market. (3) Having leaves from 2 to 5 and a half years old makes the Nicarao Especial a rolled cigar with medium aged leaves. These 3 particularities give the Nicarao Especial a remarkable depth in taste and a delicacy in its strength. The blend reveals its character with refined elegance.