In 2012, the Fuente factory experienced a terrible fire during which they lost a lot of valuable tobacco. Indeed, the warehouses that burned contained tobacco that had been stored since the 1950s or even the 1940s! The Fuente family treasured them with the intention of using them for the commemoration of their hundredth anniversary. Fate unfortunately decided otherwise because the fire consumed most of these reserves. This event shocked and deeply saddened the Fuente family – but that's where the 'Angel's Share' came from.
Carlito Fuente thought that the Angels who took advantage of the exceptional aromas of his precious tobaccos that had disappeared would in return bring their blessing for the future businesses of the family – hence this very particular and very personal name.
Arturo Fuente Opus X Angel's share - Reserve du Château bn 32 pcs. size 178x18.9mm (cepo 48). Ultra rare cigar.
Arturo Fuente Opus X Robusto - bn 29 pcs
Arturo Fuente Rothschild bn 25 pcs robusto 115x19.8mm (cepo 50)
Arturo Fuente Opus X Angel's share - Castle Reserve bn 29 pcs. format 133.3 x 19.8 mm (cepo 50). Ultra rare cigar.
robusto 133 x 20 mm (cepo 50)
Large Robusto (canonazo) 150mm x 20.64mm (cepo 52)